Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Korespondensi bing 1 part 2

Inquiry Letter

Institution Tarakanita
WR.Supratman 13-14
Telp: 031-789676 Fax: 789677
Surabaya, September 28th 2011
Mrs. Catherine
The Director of  Paramita English House
Ahmad Yani 98-99,Surabaya

Dear Mrs.Catherine,
We are writing this letters because we want to ask you about Training of  English Conversation. We will make Paramita English House  graduates to be  able to speak in English even better. So, our institution still be trusted by the public as the best institution.
Complete information that we need is:

  1. The Program Packages of Training
  2. The Trainer
  3. The Price
  4. The rule of Training
We hope you can reply soon us. So, that our goal can be accomplished successfully. Thank you soo much.

Sincerely yours,

Secretary Institution Tarakanita

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