Minggu, 25 September 2011

Korespondensi bing 1 part 1

Jalan Kusuma Bangsa V
Telp: (031) 8768877, http://www.jt.co.id
(Letter Head)

(Place and Date Letter)---Surabaya, 12 September 2011
President Director
PT.Perkasa                        (Referensi)
Jawa 31, Surabaya

Dear sir,                 (solution)

          This letter as a reminder that your account is Rp 15.000.000 has been late since 11 Agustus 2011. 
Please pay this account promptly. We apologize for the inconverience and thank you for your payment.         (Complimentary Close)

Sincerely Yours
                                             }  Signature

Angelina Caroline

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